Thursday, December 22, 2011

Why the emphasis on a Course in Miracles

First of all A Course in Miracles is extremely "non-dual."  At it's heart it is a very eastern spiritual treatise and yet it is deeply Christian in it's vernacular.  It was written over a period of seven years by psychology professors at Columbia University. This lends to the fact that there are also elements of psychoanalytic and analytic psychology throughout the book.  The book is  written in iambic pentameter making it lyrical, poetic and scripture like. In my opinion all of this adds to the fact that it is an incredibly eclectic treatise of great span and depth. 
Consisting of a forward, introduction, text, workbook for students, and manual for teachers, it is very practical and pragmatic in it's approach.  The work book for students is set up in such a way as to be read daily for three hundred and sixty-five days.  Each day being a new lesson that builds upon previous lessons. It is highly encouraged that one does not read ahead beyond the daily allotment of lessons or read them out of order.  There are study groups throughout the world in just about every community and/or major city but the book is written as a self study course with no need for teachers or religious affiliation.  In point of fact A Course in Miracles is not a religion but a distillation of the core truths and truth found in any and all religions. 
I like these aspects about A Course in Miracles.  They appeal to me. The fact that the "work book" is set up for a lesson a day over the span of a year makes it a wonderful fit for "my year of living religiously."  The only pitfall may be that it is relatively new to the scene having been published approximately thirty-five years ago but this may actually end up being a plus because it is an outgrowth of the postmodern age and a fresh out look on ancient truths. 
In the end, what little I have read about the book and within the text makes me believe it can and will resonate deeply with me in logical and practical ways. 

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